Endowment Fund Frequently Asked Questions 

Q.  What is the JFM’s practice for publicly recognizing funds? 

  • All funds are listed in the Jewish Foundation’s Annual Report in its respective section or category.
  • New funds established each year are highlighted in a JFM quarterly newsletter.
  • The JFM MAY contact you for permission to highlight your fund on social media.

Q.  What is the minimum to open a named endowment fund?

Donors are able to open new community impact (Undesignated) funds, special interest funds, and organizational endowment funds for a minimum of $100.

Q.  At what point does an endowment fund become eligible to be permanently designated or donor-advised?

Donors can direct a fund’s annual earned income to the charity of their choosing for a minimum of $10,000. Funds maybe be established at this level or may be ‘grown’ over time.

Q.  I see that my favorite organization has an organizational endowment fund at the Jewish Foundation.  How can I donate to their fund?

Donors may choose to donate simply to the ‘general fund’ of that organizational endowment fund, or for a minimum of $100, they may establish a listing in their name underneath the ‘umbrella’ of that organizational endowment fund.

Q.  I have multiple funds; can I amalgamate them to form one fund? Can I change the name of my fund? 

It may be possible to amalgamate multiple funds or change the name of your fund, but a staff review must be undertaken first, and Board approval may be required. To make such a request, please contact Marla Aronovitch, Director of Operations & Grants at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, by telephone at 204.202.7446, email at [email protected] or toll-free from the US/Canada at 1.855.284.1918. 

Q.  I have more questions. Who can I contact at the Foundation office? 

For more information about JFM funds please contact Laurel Hogan, Donor Development Associate at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, by telephone at 204.202.7438, by email at lhogan@jewishfoundation.org, or toll-free from the US/Canada at 1.855.284.1918.