Jewish Community Campership Fund

In 2011, recognizing that increasing support for community camps had become an essential community priority; the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba launched the Jewish Community Campership Fund. 

Income from this endowment fund is distributed directly to our community’s residential and day camps to help subsidize Jewish summer camping experiences for children of families facing economic challenges.

The Impact of Jewish Summer Camping

According to a 2011 study by the Foundation for Jewish Camp, kids who go to residential camp, like BB Camp and Massad, feel a closer connection to Jewish life. Specifically, kids who go to camp are:

• 30% more likely to donate to a Jewish charity
• 37% more likely to light Shabbat candles
• 45% more likely to attend synagogue monthly or more
• 55% more likely to be very emotionally attached to Israel

A contribution to the Jewish Community Campership fund is more than philanthropy. It is a tangible investment in the future success of our community.

If you would like to make a donation to the Jewish Community Campership Fund, please click the donation button on this page or contact Laurel Hogan, Donor Development Associate, by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 204.202.7438 or toll-free from the US/Canada at 1.855.284.1918.