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'A Taste of Home'report

Winnipeggers Living Elsewhere

What Is a Winnipegger?

Someone who lives in Manitoba’s capital? Of course. But our experience at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba shows that the definition of a Winnipegger is much broader than that. We hear all the time from people who used to live here, live somewhere else now, and still return to Winnipeg often. 

When we ask donors who live elsewhere why they stay so connected to Winnipeg, the answers are usually the same.

“The Jewish community shaped my values.”

“The city accepted my family and offered opportunity.”

“The community built character – and was full of characters!”

“I don’t know. It’s just home.”

Throughout the year, the Foundation sends out publications to people who used to live in Winnipeg and hosts events in cities outside Manitoba tailored specifically for people who have emotional ties to Winnipeg. 

If you would like to receive these publications and invitations, please contact Laurel Hogan, Donor Development Associate, by email at lhogan@jewishfoundation.org or by telephone at 204.202.7438 or toll-free from the US/Canada at 1.855.284.1918.