
A Message from your JFM Board Chair

by Richard L. Yaffe, Q.C. | Sep 17, 2019
Dear Friends, 
I am pleased to update you on the Foundation’s search for a Chief Executive Officer. Over the summer months, the CEO Search Committee reviewed the CEO position description and qualification priorities and advertised the opportunity in a way designed to reach a broad spectrum of qualified candidates.  (The position description and qualification priorities are available on the JFM website.)  The search committee reviewed all applications and interviews of qualified candidates were conducted in July, 2019. The search committee has identified a short list of candidates, and a third-party professional was retained to assist in evaluating the short-listed candidates.  Second interviews will be held in October, 2019, and it is our hope that a successful candidate will be selected immediately thereafter, at which time there will be a public announcement.
During this interim period, the JFM internal management group continues to steward effectively - with input and oversight by the Board as necessary. You may be absolutely assured that the Foundation’s day-to-day business operations are running smoothly, and that we have seen substantial growth during the first three quarters of 2019.
As we approach Rosh Hashanah and begin to look ahead, may I take this opportunity to wish you and yours peace, happiness, fulfillment and good health in the New Year.  Shana Tova.
With warm regards,
Richard L. Yaffe, Q.C.
Jewish Foundation of Manitoba