
Re-Imagining Cancer Care

by Josh Kerr | May 14, 2024


Access to cancer care has been a longstanding challenge for many underserved communities in Manitoba, increasing the number of cases, and affecting the survival rate. Recognizing this need, CancerCare Manitoba (CCMB) and the Manitoba Metis Federation created the Community Profiles Website with the help of a JFM Community Impact Grant.

The site was designed to provide options for individuals in underserved communities who are facing or have a cancer diagnosis, with information like where to go for treatment, where they can be seen, and how they can get there.

"We don't want any Manitoban not to be able to receive the care they need," says Sharon Loewen, Development Manager at CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Inc. "We want to remove any barriers there may be for these people."

A key aspect of this initiative lies in its collaborative approach. Partnering with indigenous organizations across Manitoba allows the website to cater to the community's needs.

"When working with northern communities and underserved populations, information is key," says Loewen. "By using these partnerships, we're able to make sure that patients have accurate and relevant information for their situations."

The website provides resources for those navigating their diagnoses with information about treatment options, healthcare facilities, transportation logistics, childcare support, and more. The platform enables individuals to make informed decisions as they confidently navigate their cancer journey.

Loewen explains that another terrific part of the project was the creation of the logo.

Designed by Indigenous artists, each item represents a community served by this resource. The logo acts as a piece that gives the communities a sense of pride when others receive help as well.

The website helps tackle an issue that has been around for a long time and will continue to be relevant, though it will ultimately help in the fight against it moving forward.

"We are confident that this resource can make a huge difference in these communities," says Loewen. "We may not feel the change immediately, but in the coming years, it will have a terrific impact, reducing the number of cases and helping to improve survival rates."

Launched in late 2023, this site has already begun to affect the availability and accessibility of cancer care accessibility across the province. The site has already seen significant engagement with over 5,000 users and has begun to expand to support many health care areas in the province.

We invite you to visit to see the entirety of the communities served, and the resources offered.