
George Finkle Memorial Scholastic Awards

Deadline – March 31 of any given year

Awarded to Jewish high school students who are in need of financial assistance to begin full-time (60% minimum course load) post-secondary education at a University, College or other post-secondary program in Manitoba. This award is based on financial need, academic achievement and community involvement. Financial need must be proven by submission of parents’ tax returns.

To be eligible for a George Finkle Memorial Scholastic Award, an applicant:

  • Must be Jewish and attending a public or private Manitoba high school;
  • Must be applying for or have been accepted into any post-secondary institution in Manitoba;
  • Must be a resident of Manitoba;
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 or ‘C’ average;
  • Must be currently employed (part-time) and planning summer employment;
  • Must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the selection committee that there is extreme financial need and that they are in need of financial assistance in order to pursue the program;
  • Must submit copies of their parents’ tax returns with their application.

Assuming the applicant meets the eligibility requirements set forth above, the following criteria will be used by the selection committee in recommending an award:

  • Financial need;
  • Academic achievement;
  • Involvement in the local community;
  • Volunteer work in the Jewish community;
  • Volunteer work in the general community;
  • The nature and length of the program to which the applicant has applied or been accepted.

Scholarships are awarded for studies commencing in September of any given year.

Click here to download a copy of the George Finkle Memorial Scholastic Awards guidelines.