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Women's Endowment Fund Grants

Women's Endowment Fund Grants are awarded twice a year. The deadline for applications are March 15 and October 15. Applications are accepted for one month prior to each deadline.

The Women's Endowment Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba is a fund designed to generate financial resources for services that directly benefit women in Manitoba.

  • Only registered charities are eligible for grants from the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba;
  • Projects must benefit women in Manitoba;
  • Pilot projects must provide a plan for future funding beyond the pilot stage;
  • Stipends, contracted staff, and honorariums may be funded.

Preference is given to projects which:

  • Demonstrate a direct benefit to women in Manitoba;
  • Encourage the advancement of women in Manitoba;
  • Promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement;
  • Provide access to social service, healthy living, and education;
  • Strengthen the organization’s ability to provide innovative and creative projects.

Grants are not made for:

  • Fundraising appeals such as memberships and sponsorships;
  • Ongoing operations of an organization;
  • Salaries are excluded from funding.

Click here to download a copy of the JFM Women's Endowment Fund Grant guidelines.

To access our new grant portal, click here

For more information, please review our Frequently Asked Questions.